Each server has the same map. Here are the islands, with their coordinates, luxury resources, and Wonders.

Isla Coordenadas Bien de lujo Maravilla
Achaos 07:64 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Achatia 26:41 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Achayos 52:06 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Acheitia 73:25 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Acheyos 71:50 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Acheytia 37:11 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Achios 87:13 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Achitia 16:11 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Achoeos 80:28 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Achoios 57:03 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Achoos 27:17 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Achootia 88:76 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Achoutia 14:88 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Achuos 49:04 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Achutia 71:32 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Achytia 43:31 Crystal small Colossus
Ackaios 63:02 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Ackaitia 47:84 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Ackaos 69:96 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Ackautia 98:27 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Ackeetia 23:34 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Ackeos 03:02 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Acketia 07:55 Wine small Colossus
Ackeytia 81:60 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Ackietia 76:87 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Ackios 82:12 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ackitia 23:35 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Ackoeos 69:60 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Ackoios 04:27 Crystal small Colossus
Ackoos 76:16 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Ackootia 67:24 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Ackuios 65:54 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ackuos 18:59 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ackyos 14:65 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ackytia 02:13 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Adaeos 30:16 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Adaitia 70:56 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Adaos 43:09 Sulphur small Colossus
Adatia 42:85 Wine small Colossus
Adautia 69:76 Marble small Colossus
Adaytia 37:42 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Adeetia 06:44 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Adeos 04:56 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Adieos 98:77 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Adios 22:65 Marble small Colossus
Aditia 97:59 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Adoeos 38:41 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Adoetia 85:69 Sulphur small Colossus
Adoos 86:94 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Adotia 05:20 Marble small Colossus
Adoutia 84:14 Wine small Colossus
Aduos 29:29 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Adyos 42:35 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Adytia 66:07 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Ageeetia 96:98 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ageeios 35:30 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ageeos 57:11 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ageetia 52:31 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Ageitia 60:45 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Ageoetia 11:08 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Ageootia 13:82 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Ageotia 15:12 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Ageouos 66:92 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Ageoutia 35:32 Wine small Colossus
Ageuitia 60:79 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Ageuos 98:55 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Aldaeos 86:16 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Aldaetia 02:26 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Aldaos 76:13 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Aldatia 98:12 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Aldauos 31:12 Crystal small Colossus
Aldeatia 69:52 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Aldeios 80:100 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Aldeos 40:83 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Aldetia 38:99 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Aldeyos 12:37 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Aldiaos 38:63 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Aldiatia 69:69 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Aldios 68:15 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Alditia 74:40 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Aldoitia 43:80 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Aldoos 89:97 Sulphur small Colossus
Aldouos 63:82 Sulphur small Colossus
Alduios 99:46 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Alduos 46:50 Wine small Colossus
Aleaetia 86:62 Marble small Colossus
Aleaios 42:30 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aleaos 79:84 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aleatia 66:57 Wine small Colossus
Aleauos 12:06 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Aleayos 51:74 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Isla Coordenadas Bien de lujo Maravilla
Aleeos 72:60 Crystal small Colossus
Aleetia 75:85 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aleios 73:20 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Aleoetia 71:20 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Aleooos 45:80 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Aleoos 56:79 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Aleotia 57:27 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Aleoutia 51:97 Crystal small Colossus
Aleuos 79:59 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Aleutia 86:37 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Anaos 82:41 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Anatia 83:77 Marble small Colossus
Anauos 53:52 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Anautia 03:72 Marble small Colossus
Anayos 25:53 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Aneetia 84:80 Wine small Colossus
Aneos 95:10 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Aneuos 26:43 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Angaios 62:48 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Angaos 04:26 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Angatia 30:08 Marble small Colossus
Angeos 13:17 Marble small Colossus
Angeytia 43:59 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Angiatia 09:76 Crystal small Colossus
Angios 56:30 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Angitia 63:36 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Angoios 78:47 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Angooos 98:22 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Angoos 44:09 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Angootia 64:75 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Angouos 74:44 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Angoutia 87:45 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Anguios 88:77 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Angutia 56:85 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Anios 58:66 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Anitia 20:64 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Anoos 67:98 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Anuos 59:66 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Anutia 30:80 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Anyos 64:07 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Anytia 31:65 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Araeos 86:92 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Araios 46:10 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Araos 52:16 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Aratia 60:42 Sulphur small Colossus
Arayos 69:75 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ardaeos 41:88 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Ardaos 44:23 Sulphur small Colossus
Ardatia 89:02 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ardautia 92:87 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Ardeos 17:99 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ardetia 57:14 Wine small Colossus
Ardeuos 65:89 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ardiatia 97:60 Marble small Colossus
Arditia 31:47 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Ardoios 91:51 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ardotia 21:54 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Arduos 87:08 Sulphur small Colossus
Ardutia 69:89 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Ardyos 81:03 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Areatia 03:73 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Areios 96:45 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Aretia 94:45 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Areytia 41:23 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Arieos 49:13 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Arios 21:66 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aritia 92:43 Marble small Colossus
Aroetia 89:34 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Aroitia 34:53 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aroos 96:84 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Arotia 18:64 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Aruos 70:46 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Aryos 80:57 Marble small Colossus
Asaeos 16:92 Wine small Colossus
Asaetia 82:20 Sulphur small Colossus
Asatia 38:65 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Asautia 13:98 Marble small Colossus
Asayos 36:77 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Asaytia 18:82 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Aseios 92:33 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Aseos 66:48 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Aseutia 38:76 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Ashaitia 81:17 Marble small Colossus
Ashaos 23:18 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Ashatia 19:93 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Ashauos 45:93 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Asheaos 51:84 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Asheatia 20:80 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Asheetia 95:87 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Asheos 71:30 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Ashetia 86:10 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Isla Coordenadas Bien de lujo Maravilla
Asheutia 18:22 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Ashitia 86:44 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Ashoetia 78:78 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Ashoos 77:97 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Ashotia 57:13 Crystal small Colossus
Ashutia 09:28 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Ashyos 80:33 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ashytia 53:61 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Asitia 60:97 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Asoetia 28:59 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Asoios 54:77 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Asoitia 92:54 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Asoos 98:15 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Asuios 41:39 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Asuos 27:73 Sulphur small Colossus
Ataeos 21:41 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Ataetia 27:74 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Ataitia 46:53 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Ataos 08:97 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Atatia 13:64 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Ateatia 43:74 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Ateios 89:88 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Ateos 94:57 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Atetia 87:67 Crystal small Colossus
Athaetia 12:51 Wine small Colossus
Athaos 61:65 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Atheaos 59:04 Crystal small Colossus
Atheeos 96:22 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Atheos 92:93 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Athetia 08:44 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Atheuos 16:34 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Atheutia 86:33 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Atheyos 19:54 Marble small Colossus
Atheytia 08:80 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Athietia 83:72 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Athios 79:29 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Athitia 96:08 Marble small Colossus
Athoeos 55:21 Crystal small Colossus
Athoetia 54:99 Crystal small Colossus
Athoios 77:50 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Athoitia 62:18 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Athoos 48:85 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Athotia 84:86 Crystal small Colossus
Athyos 01:58 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Athytia 71:46 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Atietia 24:58 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Atios 49:38 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Atitia 84:50 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Atoios 08:03 Marble small Temple of Poseidon
Atoos 64:74 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon
Atotia 37:28 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Atuios 95:97 Wine small Colossus
Atuos 80:91 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Atutia 64:06 Sulphur small Colossus
Atyos 74:20 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Atytia 45:30 Marble small Temple of Hermes
Aughaitia 36:14 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aughaos 21:10 Marble small Colossus
Aughatia 50:09 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Augheatia 75:24 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Augheetia 15:46 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Augheios 54:49 Sulphur small Temple of Hermes
Augheos 05:37 Wine small Colossus
Aughetia 84:70 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Aughieos 08:98 Sulphur small Colossus
Aughios 77:28 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Aughoitia 78:36 Wine small Colossus
Aughuos 18:15 Sulphur small Hephaistos' Forge
Aughyos 20:28 Crystal small Colossus
Awaios 32:36 Crystal small Temple of Hermes
Awaos 41:14 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Awatia 90:20 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Aweatia 37:93 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Aweetia 56:55 Wine small Temple of Hermes
Aweitia 64:84 Crystal small Ares' Stronghold
Aweos 37:87 Wine small Colossus
Awetia 12:44 Sulphur small Ares' Stronghold
Aweutia 03:64 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Aweyos 99:23 Crystal small Temple of Poseidon
Awietia 53:23 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Awios 50:48 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Awitia 38:70 Wine small Ares' Stronghold
Awoetia 67:62 Marble small Temple of Gaia
Awootia 10:99 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Awotia 73:35 Crystal small Temple of Athene
Awuios 80:84 Marble small Ares' Stronghold
Awuos 100:57 Wine small Temple of Poseidon
Awutia 28:34 Wine small Garden of Dionysus
Awytia 07:23 Sulphur small Temple of Poseidon