Cada servidor tiene el mismo mapa. Debajo verás la lista de islas que hay en el mapa.


We are proposing to have a page for each island showing this data but also facts such as which resources are on adjacent islands. Any reader who would like to help with a standard formatting for such pages is welcome to comment at this page's talk page and/or the newer Forum:Island navigation. Use of a bot may be the way to complete the pages, particularly the table of "neighbors".


The Ikariam world contains 5351 islands, these are distributed with the following resources and wonders:

Resource Islands Percentage
Wine 1384 25.86%
Marble 1411 26.37%
Crystal 1261 23.57%
Sulphur 1295 24.20%
Wonder Islands Percentage
Hephaistos' Forge 355 6.63%
Temple of Gaia 436 8.15%
Garden of Dionysus 398 7.44%
Temple of Athene 366 6.84%
Temple of Hermes 964 18.01%
Ares' Stronghold 903 16.88%
Temple of Poseidon 963 18.00%
Colossus 966 18.05%