Wiki Ikariam



Those who are fearless enough to jump in to the front row of a battlefield will be given a sparkling sword. He also carries a light armor that doesn´t press on him when he runs towards his enemies. If his home town is attacked, though, he´d rather hide behind the shields of a phalanx.


Fichier:Epéiste.gif Unit attack Attaque Unit defend Défense Unit type Endurance Unit helmet Classe Unit speed Vitesse Unit boom Spécialité
18 14 12 Humain 20 Assaut
Icon citizen Citoyens Wood small Coût en Bois Sulphur small Coût en Soufre Temps d'entrainement Time small Icon upkeep Entretien Niveaux de caserne minimum & optimum
2 47 16 17m 16 3, 5

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