Magyar WikIkariam
Magyar WikIkariam

Köszönt téged a Magyar WikIkariam!
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161 szócikk készült 2008. április 7. óta

Alternate Language wiki links for Magyar Wikariam : ar: Arabic / League of Arab States/Arabic / Egypt / Arab Republic of Egypt, de: German / Germany / Federal Republic of Germany, el: Greek / Greece / Hellenic Republic, en: English / Great Britain / United KingdomEnglish / USA / United States of America, es: Spanish / Spain / Kingdom of Spain/Spanish / Mexico / United Mexican States/Spanish / Venezuela / Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, fi: Finnish / Finland / Republic of Finland, fr: French / France / French Republic, he: Hebrew / Israel / State of Israel, lt: Lithuanian / Lithuania / Republic of Lithuania, nl: Dutch / Netherlands / Kingdom of the Netherlands, pl: Polish / Poland / Republic of Poland, pt: Portuguese / Brazil / Federative Republic of Brazil/Portuguese / Portugal / Portuguese Republic, ru: Russian / Russia / Russian Federation, sr: Serbian / Serbia / Republic of Serbia, sv: Swedish / Sweden / Kingdom of Sweden, vi: Vietnamese / Vietnam / Socialist Republic of Vietnam, zh: Traditional Chinese / Mainland China / People's Republic of China and zh-hant: Simplified Chinese / Hong Kong / Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China/Simplified Chinese / Macau / Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China/Simplified Chinese / Taiwan / Republic of China

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