Икариам Wiki

Термин "ресурсы" относится к ресурсам, полученным из специальных сооружений острова, которые используются всеми игроками острова. Эти ресурсы являются основными для строительство вашего города. Ресурсы могут быть сохранены в постоянно увеличивающемся количестве в складах ваших городов.

Есть два типа ресурсов: Строительный материал, известный как "лес", который добывается на лесопилке и второстипенный ресурс, которым богат остров и который может быть добыт после изучения богатства в академии. У каждого острова есть ТОЛЬКО один тип второстипенного ресурса.

Luxury goods have a variety of functions, but they all require Wealth before they can be gathered. Each island has exactly one luxury good resource, so a player will have to trade with other players, pillage them, or colonize new islands in order to have access to all luxury goods. To gather a luxury good, click on the appropriate icon on the island view (Bricks of marble, the vineyard, some crystal, or the volcano) Once in the luxury good deposit window, changing the slider bar will affect the luxury good and gold production of your town. For each citizen turned into a worker, you will gather 1 unit per hour but your gold income will be decreased by Шаблон:Gold. After researching Helping Hands, you are allowed to send 50% more workers to harvest luxury goods. However, these unskilled workers only produce 12.5% more goods. You will need to assign 4 workers (and lose their income of Шаблон:Gold) to receive 1 extra luxury good per hour. Шаблон:Clrl

Дерево (Лесопилка) (Wood small)


Wood is the main resource of the game, harvested at the Saw mill. This is the first resource a player will be able to collect, and is used in the expansion of every building, upgrading the Saw mill or Luxury good resource, founding of colonies, creation of military units and ships. To gather wood, click on the log pile (Лесопилка) in the island view.

Once on the Лесопилка window, changing the slider bar will affect the wood and gold production of your town. For each citizen turned into a worker, you will gather Wood small per hour but your gold income will be decreased by Шаблон:Gold.

After researching Помощь, you are allowed to send 50% more workers to harvest wood. However, these unskilled workers only increase production by 12.5%, meaning you will need to assign 8 workers (and lose their income of Шаблон:Gold) to receive an extra Шаблон:Дерево per hour.

While you are logged on to Ikariam, the menu will show this symbol: Wood small. This represents the amount of available wood you currently have in your town to use for upgrading or building things. A mouseover tip will indicate the maximum capacity at your current Warehouse level, which is reduced by any amount currently stored in your Trading Post. When you reach 75% of maximum capacity, this number will turn red; at 100% capacity, it will turn bold red, and any more resources received will be irretrievably lost.

Мрамор (Карьер) (Icon mar)

Мрамор, добываемый в Карьере, используется в the expansion of almost каждого здания в городе, кроме академии, making marble an essential resource. Шаблон:Clrl

Вино (Виноградники) (Icon win)

Вино is consumed at the tavern and is distributed among your population to increase its satisfaction, making Wine indispensable for you city´s growth. Шаблон:Clrl

Хрусталь (Шахта хрусталя) (Crystal small)

Хрусталь, добываемый на Шахте Хрусталя, имеет разнообразные функции: расширение Академии и Дворцов, исследование улучшений в мастерской и подготовка шпионов, докторов, и строительство подводных лодок. За хрусталь также можно купить очки исследований, после исследования оптики: если у вас достаточно хрусталя для завершения текущего исследования, появится кнопка в окне академии, что позволит сразу же изучить и перейдти к следующему исследованию. Если у вас не хватает хрусталя, в академии бдет указанно, сколько вам нужно

Сера (Выработка серы) (Sulphur small)

Сера, добываемая на Серной шахте, используется в основном для постройки армии. Большинство всех юнитов и кораблей требуют Sulphur small для постройки; только Шпион, Доктор, Повар, and Подводная лодка не нуждаются в [[Сера|сере]].

Sulphur is also needed to upgrade the Palace and the Governor's residence to level 3 or above, so you will need some if you want more than 3 colonies. Шаблон:Clr

Другие ресурсы

While these are not, strictly speaking, resources, they are produced and consumed by your cities, and are often essential to the game:

  • Icon citizen Население - The citizens of your town can be changed into workers to produce resources, scientists to generate research points, or left as citizens to produce gold. They are consumed in varying amounts to build military units and ships. Your city gains more citizens as long as you maintain a positive satisfaction.
  • Research points (Файл:Research small.gif) - Produced by scientists at the Academy, they are collected to complete new researches. All your cities share the same technologies and pool of research points.
  • Gold small Золото - Produced by citizens and by selling resources at the Trading Post, gold is used to maintain your town finances and facilitate trade between players. Your gold stands for all your cities.
  • Cultural goods (Файл:Cultural small.gif) - Cultural goods are exhibited at your Museum to increase your town satisfaction. It can be acquired through cultural assets treaties with other players after you have researched Cultural Exchange. All your cultural goods are available to any of your towns. You can see how many cultural goods you have by clicking on one of your museums.
  • Action points (Файл:Action small.gif) - Action points limit the maximum number of missions each city may launch at the same time. For example, a city with 3Файл:Action small.gif could, at the same time, pillage two towns and send a trading fleet to another. You town gets more action points as your expand your Town hall, and as soon as the mission is complete, the action point is restored.
  • Амбмрозия Амброзия - Ambrosia can only be obtained using real money. It is used in the various features of the Ikariam Plus system.
  • Cargo ships - Cargo ships are used to transport units and resources between islands. They are purchased using gold at the Trading Port, and your cities share the same trading fleet.
  • Diplomacy points - As soon as you build a new Embassy, you get 3 diplomacy points. Each new embassy level gives an additional point. These points are consumed when offering and accepting treaties with other players, and are restored as soon as the treaty is canceled. You can see how many diplomacy points you have in your Diplomacy Advisor window.