Ikariam Wikia

Ares' Stronghold
Ares' Stronghold
Increases morale of units and ships during a battle
Number of islands
903 (16,9%)


Ares, the detested God of savage warfare, blood-lust and of massacre, fills the hearts of all warriors in the vicinity of your cities with pure hate. These warriors will then charge into bloody combat without a second thought to their own healths, until no man is left standing.


Level Effect Duration Cool down
1 +100 (+10%) morale per round for all armies stationed at your cities - even for enemy troops! 12h 3D
2 +200 (+20%) morale per round for all armies stationed at your cities - even for enemy troops! 12h 3D
3 +400 (+40%) morale per round for all armies stationed at your cities - even for enemy troops! 12h 3D
4 +600 (+60%) morale per round for all armies stationed at your cities - even for enemy troops! 12h 3D
5 +2,000 (+200%) morale per round for all armies stationed at your cities - even for enemy troops! 12h 3D
  • In the table above, every +10 morale means +1% morale gained in battle. With Faith Level 5, the +2,000 morale means a gain of +200% morale in the battle.
  • In case of active Ares, it's enough for one single unit to participate in the battle to gain the morale bonus from which both ally and enemy forces can benefit, alike

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