Ikariam Wikia

Standard Building

Increases Crystal Glass production
Research: Improved Resource Gathering ( Economy )
Expansion requirements:
Wood and Marble
Use requirements:
Have workers in the Crystal mine


True masters of their art create sparkling pieces at the glassblower's house.  The blow tubes, glasses and all sorts of other apparatuses only our scientists understand.  And they are so handy, that things break only once in a while.

  • Every level of the Glassblower increases Crystal Glass Crystal Glass production by 2% per expansion (only in the town it is built).

Expansion Details[]

The time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade to the next level is determined by the following formula:

The accumulative time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade up to the next level is determined by the following formula:

<tabview> Template:ResourceIncrease/1-10|1-10 Template:ResourceIncrease/11-20|11-20 Template:ResourceIncrease/21-30|21-30 Template:ResourceIncrease/31-32|31-32

Other (Standard, Reduction or Production) Buildings

Other Production Buildings