Ikariam Wikia


Standard Building

Lowers Crystal Glass demand
Optics ( Science )
Expansion requirements:
Wood and Marble
Use requirements:


Lenses and magnifying glasses don't only help our scientists to see clearly and find important papers on their desk, they are also necessary in order to invent all the new technologies that make us so proud. The optician keeps everything we need carefully stored in boxes, so less things get lost and the demand for Crystal Glass is decreased per building level.


Every level of the Optician lowers demand for Crystal Glass by 1% per expansion (only in the town it is built).

  • This building will reduce the cost of Crystal Glass to build the Academy and the Temple, as well as the Palace and the Governor's Residence in higher levels.
    It will also affect Crystal Glass costs for Unit and Ship upgrades in the Workshop(s), training of Doctors in the Barracks and building of Diving Boats in the Shipyard(s).
  • This building will also reduce the cost of Experiments done in the Academy by up to 32%.
    Note: At the maximum level of the Academy, the cost stays at 300,000 300,000 crystal glass, but the produced research points will rise by the reduction amount.
    Example: At level 25 experiments produce 200.000 200 = 150.000 150 / (1.0 - 0.25) = 0.75
  • This building will not affect donations to the Miracle on the island or training of Spies in the Hideout.

Explanation of Reduction Buildings

All reduction buildings add their deduction percentage to that given by Pulley, Geometry and Spirit Level. This means the actual discount is an additional 1% per level of the reduction building, plus the reduction from the level of research you have completed. For example, a Level 1 reduction building combined with Pulley has a net of 3% reduction, with Geometry there is a net of 7%, and with Spirit Level there is a net of 15%. With the maximum level of reduction buildings (Level 32, 32% reduction) and Spirit Level (14%), the maximum reduction for that resource is 46%. This means you use only 54% of the original cost.

Expansion Details[]

The time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade to the next level is determined by the following formula:

The accumulative time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade up to the next level is determined by the following formula:

Other Reduction Buildings