Ikariam Wikia

Standard Building

Increases Marble production
Research: Improved Resource Gathering ( Economy )
Expansion requirements:
Wood and Marble
Use requirements:
Have workers in the Quarry


A trained stonemason always quarries the right blocks of marble with his strong arms.  He breaks less and our builders always have the material they need.

  • Every level of the Stonemason increases Marble Marble production by 2% per expansion (only in the town it is built).

Expansion Details[]

The time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade to the next level is determined by the following formula:

The accumulative time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade up to the next level is determined by the following formula:

<tabview> Template:ResourceIncrease/1-10|1-10 Template:ResourceIncrease/11-20|11-20 Template:ResourceIncrease/21-30|21-30 Template:ResourceIncrease/31-32|31-32

Other (Standard, Reduction or Production) Buildings

Other Production Buildings