Ikariam Wikia

Building:Trading port
Building:Trading port

Standard Building

The purchasing and loading of Cargo Ships Cargo Ship for the importation / exportation of resources and the transportation of units
Expansion requirements:
Wood and Marble
Use requirements:
At least 1 Cargo Ship Cargo Ship


The port is your gateway to the world.  Here you can hire trade ships and ready them for long journeys.  You can also receive precious goods from places far away.  Larger trading ports can load ships faster.

  • If a player has completed the research topic Dry-Dock, he can now choose whether he wants to add a shipyard or a second trading port to the second water building ground.
  • A second trading port will increase loading speeds.

Screen options[]

Garrison limit[]

The Trading port contributes to your Sea Garrison Limit.

Every level of the trading port provides +25 spaces for your ships.

Expansion Details[]

The time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade to the next level is determined by the following formula:

Level 1 does not follow this formula, as its build time was shortened by 9 minutes 48 seconds (588s)
when it was added to the in-game tutorial.

The accumulative time (in seconds) it takes to upgrade up to the next level is determined by the following formula:

Level 1 does follow this formula.
Due to the large number of templates used to display the information on this building, we are breaking this building's expansion levels down into groups of 5, instead of the normal grouping of 10.

Other Standard Buildings