Ikariam Wikia



The old stone pit has a surprisingly huge amount of marble with a first class quality.

Quarry information[]

The Quarry allows you to gather Marble. Wood Wood is donated by members who have towns on the island to help upgrade the Quarry. The higher the level, the more citizens Citizen(s) can be allocated as workers to gather marble Marble.

  • Wealth (Economy) is needed before you can use the Quarry to gather marble Marble.
  • Helping Hands allows you to increase the number of workers by 50% for an added 12.5% production.
  • An Architect's Office decreases Marble costs by 1% per level in the town it is built in.
  • A Stonemason increases the base Marble production in the Quarry by 2% per level in the town it is built in.
  • A Helios Tower increases the base Marble production in the Quarry by 10% on the island it is built, while it is active.

Ikariam Plus options[]

Just below the slider bar you will see the following options:
Naturalize Barbarians-2 Steam Hammer-2
* The bonus from the Steam hammer option can be seen if you mouse-over the resource production numbers in the table below.

Expansion details

Below are the costs to upgrade each level of the luxury resource on the Marble island.

Note: The time it takes to upgrade to the next level is determined by the following formula:

Due to the large number of templates and mouse-over tool-tips used to display the information on this building, we are breaking this building's expansion levels down into groups of 3, instead of the normal grouping of 10.

Other Resources