How to add your own image[]
- To upload images, visit Special:Upload.
- When uploading them, please add a description and category in the summary box.
- To add an image to this category, put [[Category:Unit images]] in that image article.
- Add to a page by using the Gallery widget or by using the code [[Image:Filename.jpg|thumb|Caption]] or you can use the gallery tags.
- To see the new parameters for the
<gallery> ... </gallery>
tags, go to Help:Galleries and slideshows/wikitext.
- To see the new parameters for the
Gallery example:
- <gallery>
- Image:Example.jpg|Example 1
- Image:Example.jpg|Example 2
- Image:Example.jpg|Example 3
- </gallery>
Gives you:
- Are you looking for generally categorized Images, Flags, Buildings, Characters, Icons, Units, Ships, Resources, Town Views or Miracles from the game. Perhaps you want images used in our Templates. We also have User self made images, Uncategorized imagaes and Wiki images.
Trending pages
Building:Pirate Fortress -
Sea battle -
Buildings/Standard Buildings -
Land battle -
Building:Gods' Shrine -
Ships -
Unit-ship:Cargo Ship -
All items (47)
- File:Balloon-Bombardier small.gif
- File:Balloon-Bombardier.png
- File:Barbarian-Axe Swinger.png
- File:Barbarian-Axe Thrower-button.png
- File:Barbarian-Catapult-button.png
- File:Barbarian-Dirigible-button.png
- File:Barbarian-Fighter-button.png
- File:Barbarian-Knifeman-button.png
- File:Barbarian-War Walker-button.png
- File:Shield-icon1.gif
- File:Shield-icon2.gif
- File:Shield-icon3.gif
- File:Slinger small.gif
- File:Slinger.gif
- File:Slinger.png
- File:Spartan.png
- File:Spearman small.gif
- File:Spearman.png
- File:Steam Giant small.gif
- File:Steam Giant.png
- File:Sulphur Carabineer small.gif
- File:Sulphur Carabineer.png
- File:Sword-icon1.gif
- File:Sword-icon2.gif
- File:Sword-icon3.gif
- File:Swordsman.png