This page lists the Commonwealth of Australia WP servers
Australia / Commonwealth of Australia

Servers and Board URL's[]

1 – 10
21 – 30
31 – 40
41 – 50
51 – 60
61 – 70
71 – 80
81 – 90
91 — 98 & 100

1 – 10  Edit PageEdit

No Lobby / No Board / No Forum  GF
Server # World Dates
1 -
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
Alpha - Α   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

UK / Great Britain / United Kingdom / United Kingdom and Northern Ireland / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
, Rho (s17) or Sigma (s18)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 17 days
(−3,731 days)>
This community has activated 1 of the 67 total, non specialty, world servers, used in Ikariam!
There are 66 world(s) yet to be activated:

Beta (s2)Gamma (s3) Delta (s4) Epsilon (s5) Zeta (s6) Eta (s7) Theta (s8) Iota (s9) Kappa (s10) Lambda (s11) My (s12) Ny (s13) Xi (s14) Omikron (s15) Pi (s16) Rho (s17) Sigma (s18) Tau (s19) Ypsilon (s20) Phi (s21) Chi (s22) Psi (s23) Omega (s24) Apollon (s25) Asklepios (s26) Boreas (s27) Charon (s28) Demeter (s29) Dionysos (s30) Eirene (s31) Eunomia (s32) Gaia (s33) Hades (s34) Hephaestus (s35) Kaikias (s36) Lips (s37) Notos (s38) Pan (s39) Poseidon (s40) Skiron (s41) Thanatos (s42) Zelos (s43) Zephyros (s44) Herakles (s45) Hydra (s46) Orpheus (s47) Acheron (s48) Kerberos (s49) Hera (s50) Aeneas (s51) Adonis (s52) Eurydike (s53) Kreon (s54) Hekabe (s55) Kalliope (s56) Telemachus (s57) Persephone (s58) Perseus (s59) Plutos (s60) Minotaurus (s61) Medusa (s62) Theseus (s63) Kronos (s64) Zelus (s65) Phobos (s66) and Helios (s67)

Server # World Dates
No Lobby / No Board / No Forum  GF