
Dictatorship government
Dictatorship government
Type of Government:
Research: Government Formation ( Science )


Dictatorship is the leadership of a commander, so an individual person.

Game note:
Dictatorship is a form of government from which all military-orientated island kingdoms can profit from in particular.
Wikipedia information:
Dictatorship WP is an authoritarian WP form of government, characterized by a single leader or group of leaders with either no party or a weak party, little mass mobilization, and limited political pluralism.


  1. -2% reduced upkeep for troops and war ships.
  2. +2% faster build times for troops and war ships.
  3. +2 Cargo Ships


-75 Satisfaction in all cities.

With Xenocracy[]

If your capital is ever occupied, the form of government will switch to Xenocracy. However this occurs without a revolution or costs.

Game notes:
  1. Xenocracy means that you only achieve half of the advantages of your actual form of government. The same goes for the disadvantage effects of your form of government.
  2. As soon as your capital has been liberated, you will have the full effects of the advantages and disadvantages of your form of government again. This will happen without a revolution or costs.
  3. Xenocracy does NOT affect Anarchy, you will continue to have its full effects, if your capital becomes occupied while you are under Anarchy.

WikIkariam note[]

Xenocracy only occurs when your Capital has become occupied by another player and does not change your current government but just halves (½) the advantages and disadvantages of the current government.

Advantages because of Xenocracy[]

  1. -1% reduced upkeep for troops and war ships.
  2. +1% faster build times for troops and war ships.
  3. +1 Cargo Ship

Disadvantages because of Xenocracy[]

-37.5 Satisfaction in all cities.

Other Optional governments
