This page lists the Federal Republic of Germany WP servers
Germany / Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Regional languages:
Alemannic / Bavarian / Danish / Frisian (Northern) / Frisian (Saterland) / German (Low) / Limburgish / Luxembourgish / Rhenish (Low) / Romani / Sorbian (Lower) / Sorbian (Upper)

Servers and Board URL's[]

61 – 70  Edit PageEdit

Lobby (Empfangshalle ) GF / Board (Tafel ) GF / Forum  GF
Server # World (Welt) Dates (Termine)
Age (Alter)
61 -
s61 / Minotaur / Minotaurus - A mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man or, a being "part man and part bull".  He dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, an elaborate maze-like construction designed by Daedalus and Icarus.

Minotaurus - 👨 🐄   —   Forum GF
Building Construction Speed Building Construction Speed: +25% more or 125%

Unit Training Speed Unit Training Speed: -50% slower or 50%

Ship Building Speed Ship Building Speed: -50% slower or 50%

Cargo ship Movement/Travel Speed Cargo ship Movement/Travel Speed: +25% faster or 125%

Wood Production Amount Wood Production Amount: +35% more or 135%

Marble Production Amount Marble Production Amount: +35% more or 135%

On September 16, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s51 / Aeneas / Vidarr (Norse) of the Æsir - A Trojan hero, the son of prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Aeneas (s51)
s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)
s54 / Creon / Kreon - King of Thebes who had four sons and three daughters with his wife, Eurydice.
 Kreon (s54)
s55 / Hecabe / Hecuba - A queen in Greek mythology, the wife of King Priam of Troy during the Trojan War.  She had 19 children.  Two of them, Hector and Troilus, are said to have been born as a result of her relationship with the god Apollo.
 Hekabe (s55)
s56 / Calliope / Kalliope - The Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry;  so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice.
 Kalliope (s56)
Date Opened:
September 16, 2024
Active / Open
4 months and 30 days
(152 days)>
62 -
s62 / Medusa / Gorgo (ancient greek) / the Gorgon - One of the three Gorgons

Medusa - 🐍 👩‍🦲   —   Forum GF
Building Construction Speed Building Construction Speed: +25% more or 125%

Wood Production Amount Wood Production Amount: +25% more or 125%

Wine Production Amount Wine Production Amount: +25% more or 125%

Crystal/Glass Production Amount Crystal/Glass Production Amount: +25% more or 125%

On September 16, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s51 / Aeneas / Vidarr (Norse) of the Æsir - A Trojan hero, the son of prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Aeneas (s51)
s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)
s54 / Creon / Kreon - King of Thebes who had four sons and three daughters with his wife, Eurydice.
 Kreon (s54)
s55 / Hecabe / Hecuba - A queen in Greek mythology, the wife of King Priam of Troy during the Trojan War.  She had 19 children.  Two of them, Hector and Troilus, are said to have been born as a result of her relationship with the god Apollo.
 Hekabe (s55)
s56 / Calliope / Kalliope - The Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry;  so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice.
 Kalliope (s56)
Date Opened:
September 16, 2024
Active / Open
4 months and 30 days
(152 days)>
63 -
s63 / Theseus - He was a divine hero and the founder of Athens.  The son of Poseidon and a king of Athens and slayer of the Minotaur.

Theseus - ⚔ 🪖   —   Forum GF
Building Construction Speed Building Construction Speed: +10% more or 110%

Unit Training Speed Unit Training Speed: +25% faster or 125%

Ship Building Speed Ship Building Speed: +25% faster or 125%

Wood Production Amount Wood Production Amount: +50% more or 150%

Wine Production Amount Wine Production Amount: +20% more or 120%

Sulfur/Sulphur Production Amount Sulfur/Sulphur Production Amount: +50% more or 150%

On September 16, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s51 / Aeneas / Vidarr (Norse) of the Æsir - A Trojan hero, the son of prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Aeneas (s51)
s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)
s54 / Creon / Kreon - King of Thebes who had four sons and three daughters with his wife, Eurydice.
 Kreon (s54)
s55 / Hecabe / Hecuba - A queen in Greek mythology, the wife of King Priam of Troy during the Trojan War.  She had 19 children.  Two of them, Hector and Troilus, are said to have been born as a result of her relationship with the god Apollo.
 Hekabe (s55)
s56 / Calliope / Kalliope - The Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry;  so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice.
 Kalliope (s56)
Date Opened:
September 16, 2024
Active / Open
4 months and 30 days
(152 days)>
64 -
s64 / Cronos / Cronus / Kronos - The leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of the primordial Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Sky).  He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age until he was overthrown by his son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.

Kronos - 🌾 ☭   —   Forum GF
Cargo ship Movement/Travel Speed Cargo ship Movement/Travel Speed: +35% more or 135%

Wood Production Amount Wood Production Amount: +35% more or 135%

Luxury Resource Production Amount ALL Lux Production Amount: +35% more or 135%

Date Opened:
December 06, 2024
Active / Open
2 months and 9 days
(71 days)>
This community has activated 64 of the 67 total, non specialty, world servers, used in Ikariam!
There are 3 world(s) yet to be activated:

Zelus (s65)Phobos (s66) and Helios (s67)

Server # World (Welt) Dates (Termine)
Age (Alter)
Lobby (Empfangshalle ) GF / Board (Tafel ) GF / Forum  GF