Forums: Index > Help desk > Level Question

I'm a new player on Lambda server and a response I got to a message I posted in my island's Agora has me confused. The response was "Don't bother. No one will answer you until you're at least level 10." He won't respond again, and I can't find anything that gives a general player level. Lots of different levels for buildings and research. There's a general listing of score, but it doesn't give levels. Can anyone tell me what he was possibly refering to? I thought for a bit it was the little number by the arrow, but this wiki explained that's the action points of a town. (Which is good because I couldn't figure out how I dropped a level by starting a colony. The new city was a 3 and the home city was a 4.) -- The preceding unsigned comment was added by AlekzanderJoe (talkcontribs)
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Obviously, he was referring to the level of your town, which is the same with the level of your Town hall. There is nothing that gives a level to a player, only towns have specific levels in Ikariam. Ifaigios 12:29, June 19, 2010 (UTC)