Forums: Index > Help desk > Report to GO?

Hey I just attacked a Town level 2 on a crystal island, the dude has 69 points but I've been able to take 5k wood, 2.5k wine, and 2.5k marble. I think he's getting free resources from someone. Is this pushing and should I report him to a GO? -- 03:26, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

No. Pushing is when the higher ranked player gets an unfair amount of resources from the lower ranked player, not the other way around. Also, if you keep pillaging this player, make sure that you don't attack them more than six times a day, or you'll be bashing. Just a reminder. -- The preceding unsigned comment was added by 14:08, July 21, 2010 (talkcontribs)
Please sign your posts with 4 tilde's!
( ~~~~ ) 14:08, July 21, 2010