This page lists the Italian Republic WP servers
Italy / Italian Republic / Repubblica italiana

Servers and Board URL's[]

1 – 10  Edit PageEdit

Lobby (Atrio ) GF / Board (Tavola ) GF / Forum  GF
Server # World (Mondo) Dates (Date)
Age (Età)
1 -
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
Alpha - Α - Alfa   —   Forum GF

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)

On January 03, 2022;  this server became a 3rd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s23 / Psi -
 Psi (s23)
s24 / Omega -
 Omega (s24)
s25 / Apollo (Greek & Roman) / Apollon (Greek & Roman) / Apollos (Greek & Roman) / Apolo (Greek & Roman) / Apulu (Etruscan) / Apaliunas (Hittite) / Horus (Egyptian) / Resheph (Phoenician) / Grannus (Celtic) - Greek god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more.
 Apollon (s25)
s26 / Aesculapius / Asklepios / Asclepius (Roman) - Greek God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
 Asklepios (s26)
s27 / Aquilo / Aquilon / Boreas / Septentrio (Roman) - God of the north wind and of winter.
 Boreas (s27)
s28 / Charon / Kharon - Ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
 Charon (s28)
s29 / Ceres / Demeter - Greek goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth.
 Demeter (s29)
s30 / Dionysos / Dionysus - Greek god of the grape harvest, wine making and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy.
 Dionysos (s30)
s31 / Eirene / Irene - Goddess of peace (Eirênê) and of the season of spring (Eiar, Eiarinos).  --  One of three Horai, goddesses of the seasons and the keepers of the gates of heaven.
 Eirene (s31)
s32 / Eunomia - Goddess of law and legislation and one of the Second Generation of the Horae along with her sisters Dikē and Eirene/Irene.  The Horae were law and order goddesses who maintained the stability of society, and were worshiper primarily in the cities of Athens, Argos and Olympia.
 Eunomia (s32)
s33 / Gaia / Terra (Roman) - Personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.  Gaia was the great mother of all:  the primal Greek Mother Goddess;  creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe;  the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her.
 Gaia (s33)
s34 / Hades - Greek god of the underworld
 Hades (s34)
s35 / Hephaestos / Hephaestus / Hephestos (US) / Hephestus (US) / Vulcan (Roman) - Greek god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.
 Hephaestus (s35)
s36 / Kaikias / Caecias (Roman) - Greek deity of the Northeast wind.
 Kaikias (s36)
s37 / Lips / Africus (Roman) - Greek deity of the Southwest wind.
 Lips (s37)
s38 / Notos / Auster (Roman) - Greek god of the South wind.  He was associated with the desiccating hot wind of the rise of Sirius after midsummer, was thought to bring the storms of late summer and autumn, and was feared as a destroyer of crops.
 Notos (s38)
s39 / Pan / Faunus (Roman) - Greek god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds and rustic music and companion of the nymphs.
 Pan (s39)
s40 / Poseidon / Neptune (Roman) - Greek god of the sea.  Additionally, he is referred to as "Earth-Shaker" due to his role in causing earthquakes, and has been called the "tamer of horses".
 Poseidon (s40)
s41 / Skiron / Caurus (Roman) / Corus (Roman) - Greek god of the Northwest wind.  In Athens it is the name of the wind which blew from the Scironian rocks (a geographical feature near Kineta to the west of Athens).
 Skiron (s41)
s42 / Thanatos / Letum (Roman) / Mors (Roman) - The Greek personification of death.
 Thanatos (s42)

On September 04, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)

On September 04, 2024;
the players, on this server, were given 2 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on September 18, 2024
−4 months and 21 days
(−143 days)>
2 -
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
Beta - Β   —   Forum GF

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)

On January 03, 2022;  this server became a 3rd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s23 / Psi -
 Psi (s23)
s24 / Omega -
 Omega (s24)
s25 / Apollo (Greek & Roman) / Apollon (Greek & Roman) / Apollos (Greek & Roman) / Apolo (Greek & Roman) / Apulu (Etruscan) / Apaliunas (Hittite) / Horus (Egyptian) / Resheph (Phoenician) / Grannus (Celtic) - Greek god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more.
 Apollon (s25)
s26 / Aesculapius / Asklepios / Asclepius (Roman) - Greek God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
 Asklepios (s26)
s27 / Aquilo / Aquilon / Boreas / Septentrio (Roman) - God of the north wind and of winter.
 Boreas (s27)
s28 / Charon / Kharon - Ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
 Charon (s28)
s29 / Ceres / Demeter - Greek goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth.
 Demeter (s29)
s30 / Dionysos / Dionysus - Greek god of the grape harvest, wine making and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy.
 Dionysos (s30)
s31 / Eirene / Irene - Goddess of peace (Eirênê) and of the season of spring (Eiar, Eiarinos).  --  One of three Horai, goddesses of the seasons and the keepers of the gates of heaven.
 Eirene (s31)
s32 / Eunomia - Goddess of law and legislation and one of the Second Generation of the Horae along with her sisters Dikē and Eirene/Irene.  The Horae were law and order goddesses who maintained the stability of society, and were worshiper primarily in the cities of Athens, Argos and Olympia.
 Eunomia (s32)
s33 / Gaia / Terra (Roman) - Personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.  Gaia was the great mother of all:  the primal Greek Mother Goddess;  creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe;  the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her.
 Gaia (s33)
s34 / Hades - Greek god of the underworld
 Hades (s34)
s35 / Hephaestos / Hephaestus / Hephestos (US) / Hephestus (US) / Vulcan (Roman) - Greek god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.
 Hephaestus (s35)
s36 / Kaikias / Caecias (Roman) - Greek deity of the Northeast wind.
 Kaikias (s36)
s37 / Lips / Africus (Roman) - Greek deity of the Southwest wind.
 Lips (s37)
s38 / Notos / Auster (Roman) - Greek god of the South wind.  He was associated with the desiccating hot wind of the rise of Sirius after midsummer, was thought to bring the storms of late summer and autumn, and was feared as a destroyer of crops.
 Notos (s38)
s39 / Pan / Faunus (Roman) - Greek god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds and rustic music and companion of the nymphs.
 Pan (s39)
s40 / Poseidon / Neptune (Roman) - Greek god of the sea.  Additionally, he is referred to as "Earth-Shaker" due to his role in causing earthquakes, and has been called the "tamer of horses".
 Poseidon (s40)
s41 / Skiron / Caurus (Roman) / Corus (Roman) - Greek god of the Northwest wind.  In Athens it is the name of the wind which blew from the Scironian rocks (a geographical feature near Kineta to the west of Athens).
 Skiron (s41)
s42 / Thanatos / Letum (Roman) / Mors (Roman) - The Greek personification of death.
 Thanatos (s42)

On September 04, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)

On September 04, 2024;
the players, on this server, were given 2 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on September 18, 2024
−4 months and 21 days
(−143 days)>
Server break!
3 -
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
Gamma - Γ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
4 -
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
Delta - Δ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
5 -
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
Epsilon - Ε   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
6 -
s6 / Zeta -
Zeta - Ζ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
Server break!
7 -
s7 / Eta -
Eta - Η   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
8 -
s8 / Theta -
Theta - Θ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
9 -
s9 / Iota -
Iota - Ι   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)

On January 19, 2015;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on February 10, 2015
−9 years, 11 months and 29 days
(−3,651 days)>
Server break!
10 -
s10 / Kappa -
Kappa - Κ - Cappa   —   Forum GF

On February 10, 2015;  this server became a 1st round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)

as well as
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)
s14 / Xi -
 Xi (s14)
s15 / Omicron / Omikron -
 Omikron (s15)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s17 / Rho -
 Rho (s17)
s18 / Sigma -
 Sigma (s18)
s19 / Tau -
 Tau (s19)
s20 / Upsilon / Ypsilon -
 Ypsilon (s20)
s21 / Phi -
 Phi (s21)

On March 30, 2016;  this server became a 2nd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s22 / Chi -
 Chi (s22)

On January 03, 2022;  this server became a 3rd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s23 / Psi -
 Psi (s23)
s24 / Omega -
 Omega (s24)
s25 / Apollo (Greek & Roman) / Apollon (Greek & Roman) / Apollos (Greek & Roman) / Apolo (Greek & Roman) / Apulu (Etruscan) / Apaliunas (Hittite) / Horus (Egyptian) / Resheph (Phoenician) / Grannus (Celtic) - Greek god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more.
 Apollon (s25)
s26 / Aesculapius / Asklepios / Asclepius (Roman) - Greek God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
 Asklepios (s26)
s27 / Aquilo / Aquilon / Boreas / Septentrio (Roman) - God of the north wind and of winter.
 Boreas (s27)
s28 / Charon / Kharon - Ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.
 Charon (s28)
s29 / Ceres / Demeter - Greek goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth.
 Demeter (s29)
s30 / Dionysos / Dionysus - Greek god of the grape harvest, wine making and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy.
 Dionysos (s30)
s31 / Eirene / Irene - Goddess of peace (Eirênê) and of the season of spring (Eiar, Eiarinos).  --  One of three Horai, goddesses of the seasons and the keepers of the gates of heaven.
 Eirene (s31)
s32 / Eunomia - Goddess of law and legislation and one of the Second Generation of the Horae along with her sisters Dikē and Eirene/Irene.  The Horae were law and order goddesses who maintained the stability of society, and were worshiper primarily in the cities of Athens, Argos and Olympia.
 Eunomia (s32)
s33 / Gaia / Terra (Roman) - Personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.  Gaia was the great mother of all:  the primal Greek Mother Goddess;  creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe;  the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her.
 Gaia (s33)
s34 / Hades - Greek god of the underworld
 Hades (s34)
s35 / Hephaestos / Hephaestus / Hephestos (US) / Hephestus (US) / Vulcan (Roman) - Greek god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.
 Hephaestus (s35)
s36 / Kaikias / Caecias (Roman) - Greek deity of the Northeast wind.
 Kaikias (s36)
s37 / Lips / Africus (Roman) - Greek deity of the Southwest wind.
 Lips (s37)
s38 / Notos / Auster (Roman) - Greek god of the South wind.  He was associated with the desiccating hot wind of the rise of Sirius after midsummer, was thought to bring the storms of late summer and autumn, and was feared as a destroyer of crops.
 Notos (s38)
s39 / Pan / Faunus (Roman) - Greek god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds and rustic music and companion of the nymphs.
 Pan (s39)
s40 / Poseidon / Neptune (Roman) - Greek god of the sea.  Additionally, he is referred to as "Earth-Shaker" due to his role in causing earthquakes, and has been called the "tamer of horses".
 Poseidon (s40)
s41 / Skiron / Caurus (Roman) / Corus (Roman) - Greek god of the Northwest wind.  In Athens it is the name of the wind which blew from the Scironian rocks (a geographical feature near Kineta to the west of Athens).
 Skiron (s41)
s42 / Thanatos / Letum (Roman) / Mors (Roman) - The Greek personification of death.
 Thanatos (s42)

On September 04, 2024;  this server became a 4th round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s52 / Adonis / Dumuzid (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Mesopotamian) / Tammuz (Levantine & Canaanite) - The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus).
 Adonis (s52)
s53 / Eurydice / Eurydike - The wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
 Eurydike (s53)

On September 04, 2024;
the players, on this server, were given 2 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on September 18, 2024
−4 months and 21 days
(−143 days)>
Server # World (Mondo) Dates (Date)
Age (Età)
Lobby (Atrio ) GF / Board (Tavola ) GF / Forum  GF