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Allows: Increase of + 2% (× 1.02) more research points per scientist per hour.
- Cumulative with Potion of Wisdom's + 20% (× 1.20) when activated.
- Cumulative with Corruption from low level Palace / Governor's Residence's, in that city - (0 – 92)%. (× 0 – × 0.08) (if active)
- Cumulative with Government advantages/disadvantages: (if active)
- Advantages:
- Democracy's + 1 per hour for each displayed cultural goods treaty.
- Nomocracy's - 5% (× 0.95) corruption (0% min) in all cities. (including the Capital)
- Technocracy's + 5% (× 1.05) per hour.
- Disadvantages:
- Aristocracy's + 3% (× 1.03) corruption (100% max) in all colonies. (excluding the Capital)
- Oligarchy's + 3% (× 1.03) corruption (100% max) in all cities. (including the Capital)
- Theocracy's - 5% (× 0.95) per hour.