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Future Researches[]
hi, now i'm able to research the future level. any advice ? cause the points look like forever researching..:p...
about the economy field, is the future research increase the 14% waived construction cost ?
thanks in advance. -- 13:00, March 17, 2011 (UTC)
- As to which research to do 1st, in my opinion, will depend on how many towns you have vs how big your military and navy are.
- With Economic Future you gain an additional 10 happiness in all towns and you gain20 in each town and each citizen will earn you 60 more per town.
- With Militaristic Future or Seafaring Future you gain an additional 2% discount on the costs. (They add to the 14% you already have)
- You need to figure out if Economic Future will gain you more than Militaristic Future or Seafaring Future will save you and then go with the appropriate one.
- I would not worry about Scientific Future your 1st until after you have done all of the 3 above.
- The futures research are ongoing ( never stopping ) for each category of research. If you play long enough you can get to Level 100 or higher.
- -- M o r p h i a s | C | T/D) 106,750 contributions and counting. 14:11, March 17, 2011 (UTC)