UK / Great Britain / United Kingdom / United Kingdom and Northern Ireland / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Constituent countries WP
Scotland / Alba
Wales / Cymru
Northern Ireland / Tuaisceart Éireann / Norlin Airlann
England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
English (UK) (De facto)
Cornish (Regional)
English (UK) (De facto)
Scots (Low land) (Regional)
Scottish Gaelic (Regional)
Ulster Scots (Regional)
English (UK) (De facto)
Welsh (Regional)
English (UK) (Official)
Irish (Official)
Scots (Lowland) (Regional)

Servers and Board URL's[]

1 – 10  Edit PageEdit

Lobby  GF / Board  GF / Forum  GF
Server # World Dates
1 -
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
Alpha - Α   —   Forum GF

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)

On June 02, 2015;  this server became a 2nd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

Iran / Islamic Republic of Iran / جمهوری اسلامی ایران / Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)

Is sad Sadly, Gameforge has shut down the
Iran / Islamic Republic of Iran / جمهوری اسلامی ایران / Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān
community after this merger Is sad

On January 03, 2022;  this server became a 4th round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

UK / Great Britain / United Kingdom / United Kingdom and Northern Ireland / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s43 & s65 / Zelos / Zelus - The Greek personification of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.  The English word "zeal" is derived from his name.
 Zelos (s43)
s44 / Zephyros / Zephyrus / Zephyr (English) / Favonius (Roman) - The Greek god of the West wind.  The gentlest of the winds, Zephyrus is known as the fructifying wind, the messenger of spring.
 Zephyros (s44)
s45 / Heracles / Herakles / Hercules (Roman) - The son of Zeus and Alcmene.  He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters.
 Herakles (s45)
s46 / Hydra - A serpentine water monster that lives in the lake of Lerna in the Argolid and was killed by Heracles (Hercules) as the second of his Twelve Labors.  The Hydra was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, possessed many heads, had poisonous breath and blood that was so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
 Hydra (s46)
s47 / Orpheus - A legendary musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld.
 Orpheus (s47)

as well as
Denmark / Danmark / The Kingdom of Denmark / Kongeriget Danmark
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)
s14 / Xi -
 Xi (s14)
s15 / Omicron / Omikron -
 Omikron (s15)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s17 / Rho -
 Rho (s17)
s18 / Sigma -
 Sigma (s18)

as well as
Finland / Republic of Finland / Suomen tasavalta / Republiken Finland
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)

as well as
Lithuania / Republic of Lithuania / Lietuvos Respublika
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)

as well as
Latvia / Republic of Latvia / Latvijas Republika
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)

as well as
Kingdom of the Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden / Keninkryk fan de Nederlannen / Reino Hulandes / Netherlands / Nederland
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)

as well as
Norway / Kingdom of Norway / Kongeriket Norge / Kongeriket Noreg
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)

as well as
Sweden / Kingdom of Sweden / Konungariket Sverige
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)

as well as
Taiwan / Republic of China / 中華民國 / Zhōnghuá Mínguó
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)

Is sad Sadly, Gameforge has shut down the
Denmark / Danmark / The Kingdom of Denmark / Kongeriget Danmark
Finland / Republic of Finland / Suomen tasavalta / Republiken Finland
Lithuania / Republic of Lithuania / Lietuvos Respublika
Latvia / Republic of Latvia / Latvijas Republika
Kingdom of the Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden / Keninkryk fan de Nederlannen / Reino Hulandes / Netherlands / Nederland
Norway / Kingdom of Norway / Kongeriket Norge / Kongeriket Noreg
Sweden / Kingdom of Sweden / Konungariket Sverige
Taiwan / Republic of China / 中華民國 / Zhōnghuá Mínguó
communities after this merger Is sad

On September 09, 2024;  this server became a 6th round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s58 / Persephone / Proserpina (Roman) - The daughter of Zeus and Demeter.  She became the queen of the underworld after her abduction by and marriage to her uncle Hades.
 Persephone (s58)
s59 / Perseus - He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles.  He beheaded the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus.  He was the son of Zeus and the mortal Danaë, as well as the half-brother and great-grandfather of Heracles (as they were both children of Zeus, and Heracles' mother was descended from Perseus).
 Perseus (s59)
s60 / Plutos / Plutus - The god and the personification of wealth, and the son of the goddess of agriculture Demeter and the mortal Iasion.
 Plutos (s60)
s61 / Minotaur / Minotaurus - A mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man or, a being "part man and part bull".  He dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, an elaborate maze-like construction designed by Daedalus and Icarus.
 Minotaurus (s61)

On September 09, 2024;
the players, on this server, were given 2 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:
February 01, 2008
on September 23, 2024
16 years, 7 months and 22 days
(6,079 days)>
2 -
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
Beta - Β   —   Forum GF

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)

On June 02, 2015;  this server became a 2nd round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

Iran / Islamic Republic of Iran / جمهوری اسلامی ایران / Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)

Is sad Sadly, Gameforge has shut down the
Iran / Islamic Republic of Iran / جمهوری اسلامی ایران / Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān
community after this merger Is sad

On January 03, 2022;  this server became a 4th round

Destination/Recipient/Target server from the following:

UK / Great Britain / United Kingdom / United Kingdom and Northern Ireland / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s43 & s65 / Zelos / Zelus - The Greek personification of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.  The English word "zeal" is derived from his name.
 Zelos (s43)
s44 / Zephyros / Zephyrus / Zephyr (English) / Favonius (Roman) - The Greek god of the West wind.  The gentlest of the winds, Zephyrus is known as the fructifying wind, the messenger of spring.
 Zephyros (s44)
s45 / Heracles / Herakles / Hercules (Roman) - The son of Zeus and Alcmene.  He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters.
 Herakles (s45)
s46 / Hydra - A serpentine water monster that lives in the lake of Lerna in the Argolid and was killed by Heracles (Hercules) as the second of his Twelve Labors.  The Hydra was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, possessed many heads, had poisonous breath and blood that was so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
 Hydra (s46)
s47 / Orpheus - A legendary musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld.
 Orpheus (s47)

as well as
Denmark / Danmark / The Kingdom of Denmark / Kongeriget Danmark
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)
s14 / Xi -
 Xi (s14)
s15 / Omicron / Omikron -
 Omikron (s15)
s16 / Pi -
 Pi (s16)
s17 / Rho -
 Rho (s17)
s18 / Sigma -
 Sigma (s18)

as well as
Finland / Republic of Finland / Suomen tasavalta / Republiken Finland
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)

as well as
Lithuania / Republic of Lithuania / Lietuvos Respublika
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)

as well as
Latvia / Republic of Latvia / Latvijas Republika
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)

as well as
Kingdom of the Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden / Keninkryk fan de Nederlannen / Reino Hulandes / Netherlands / Nederland
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)

as well as
Norway / Kingdom of Norway / Kongeriket Norge / Kongeriket Noreg
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
 Gamma (s3)
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)
s7 / Eta -
 Eta (s7)
s8 / Theta -
 Theta (s8)
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)

as well as
Sweden / Kingdom of Sweden / Konungariket Sverige
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
 Delta (s4)
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
 Epsilon (s5)
s6 / Zeta -
 Zeta (s6)

as well as
Taiwan / Republic of China / 中華民國 / Zhōnghuá Mínguó
s9 / Iota -
 Iota (s9)
s10 / Kappa -
 Kappa (s10)
s11 / Lambda -
 Lambda (s11)
s12 / Mu / My -
 My (s12)
s13 / Nu / Ny -
 Ny (s13)

Is sad Sadly, Gameforge has shut down the
Denmark / Danmark / The Kingdom of Denmark / Kongeriget Danmark
Finland / Republic of Finland / Suomen tasavalta / Republiken Finland
Lithuania / Republic of Lithuania / Lietuvos Respublika
Latvia / Republic of Latvia / Latvijas Republika
Kingdom of the Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden / Keninkryk fan de Nederlannen / Reino Hulandes / Netherlands / Nederland
Norway / Kingdom of Norway / Kongeriket Norge / Kongeriket Noreg
Sweden / Kingdom of Sweden / Konungariket Sverige
Taiwan / Republic of China / 中華民國 / Zhōnghuá Mínguó
communities after this merger Is sad

On September 09, 2024;  this server became a 6th round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s58 / Persephone / Proserpina (Roman) - The daughter of Zeus and Demeter.  She became the queen of the underworld after her abduction by and marriage to her uncle Hades.
 Persephone (s58)
s59 / Perseus - He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles.  He beheaded the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus.  He was the son of Zeus and the mortal Danaë, as well as the half-brother and great-grandfather of Heracles (as they were both children of Zeus, and Heracles' mother was descended from Perseus).
 Perseus (s59)
s60 / Plutos / Plutus - The god and the personification of wealth, and the son of the goddess of agriculture Demeter and the mortal Iasion.
 Plutos (s60)
s61 / Minotaur / Minotaurus - A mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man or, a being "part man and part bull".  He dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, an elaborate maze-like construction designed by Daedalus and Icarus.
 Minotaurus (s61)

On September 09, 2024;
the players, on this server, were given 2 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:
February 14, 2008
on September 23, 2024
16 years, 7 months and 9 days
(6,066 days)>
Server break!
3 -
s3 / Gamma - The third letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of three (3).
Gamma - Γ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
4 -
s4 / Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of four (4).
Delta - Δ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
5 -
s5 / Epsilon - The fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals it also has the value five (5).
Epsilon - Ε   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
6 -
s6 / Zeta -
Zeta - Ζ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
7 -
s7 / Eta -
Eta - Η   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
8 -
s8 / Theta -
Theta - Θ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
9 -
s9 / Iota -
Iota - Ι   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
10 -
s10 / Kappa -
Kappa - Κ   —   Forum

There is no Forum link for this server!

On November 25, 2014;  this server became a 1st round

Archived/Exodus server to the following:

s1 / Alpha - The first letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one (1).
 Alpha (s1)
s2 / Beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet.  In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of two (2).
 Beta (s2)

On November 04, 2014;
the players, on this server, were given 3 weeks to
choose their Destination/Recipient/Target servers

Date Opened:

on November 25, 2014
−10 years, 2 months and 4 days
(−3,718 days)>
Server # World Dates
Lobby  GF / Board  GF / Forum  GF