This page lists the United Mexican States WP servers
Mexico / United Mexican States / Estados Unidos Mexicanos

National languages:
Amuzgo / Awakatek / Chatino / Chichimeca Jonaz / Chinantec / Chocho / Chol / Chuj / Cocopah / Cora / Cuicatec / Guarijio / Huastec / Huave / Huichol / Ixil / Kekchi / Kickapoo / Kiliwa / Lacandon / Mam / Matlatzinca / Mayo / Mazahua / Mazatec / Mixe / Mixtec / Nahuatl / Otomi / Paipai / Papago / Pima Bajo / Popoloca / Quiche / Seri / Tarahumara / Tarascan / Tepehua / Tepehuan / Tipai / Tlahuica / Tlapanec / Tojolabal / Totonac / Trique / Tzeltal / Tzotzil / Yaqui / Yucatec Maya / Zapotec

Servers and Board URL's[]

31 – 40
41 – 50
51 – 60
61 – 70
71 – 80
81 – 90
Special (G/I/S/T/W)

99, 201 & 203, 301 — 303, 595 — 599, 666 & 667, 670 — 672, 800 & 801 & 901  Edit PageEdit

Jump to: Speed ServersWar ServersGlobal ServersGraveyard ServersTest Servers

Lobby (Vestíbulo ) GF / Board (Tablero ) GF / Forum (Foro ) GF
Server (Servidor) # World (Mundo) Dates (Fechas)
Age (Años)
203 -
s203 / War server 2 / Ares 2 / Mars (Roman) 2 - Individual community server - 3x normal speed, moral deactivated, allows gold pillaging, have other attributes that are not generally found on normal servers and is scheduled to remain open until around May of 2028!

Round #8

Aries 2 / War 2 - ⚔️ 2   —   Forum GF

This server:
  1. Operates 3x faster than normal servers
  2. Special-Battle Sans Moral Has moral deactivated
  3. Special-Pillage Gold Allows the the pillaging of  Gold gold

This server has reduced:
  1. Training and travel times for spies
  2. Cool-downs and duration's of miracles

This server has increased:
  1. Fallback times
  2. Loading times - including pillaging
  3. Building times
  4. Gathering of resources
  5. Population growth

This server round does not end until the year 2028!
Approximately 10 years from the time of opening.
Date Opened:
May 23, 2018
Active / Open
5 years, 10 months and 19 days
(2,150 days)
Server (Servidor) # World (Mundo) Dates (Fechas)
Age (Años)
Lobby (Vestíbulo ) GF / Board (Tablero ) GF / Forum (Foro ) GF